Sunday, June 17, 2012

New title: A Very Convenient Truthiness

I am trying to redo a logline and  my movie title for my screen play with the working title of "The Singing Volcano".  The title has something to do with the movie but doesn't exactly make me want to go and see the movie.  I have been reading a screenwriting book,  Save the Cat by Blake Snyder.  He recommends getting the log line and the title down to help a producer determine what the movie is about and how much will it cost to produce. 

Logline idea:  During the presidential election of 2028, a reclusive geologist designs an experiment to cool the earth's climate. Now everyone wants to get to know him better including his high school dream girl who needs him to to fullfill her promise to change the world.

Titles: Beyond Out of Control         Hot Planet Cool Heads     Holy Crap!    World Changers

Earth Changers     Moment of Truth     Rough times on the Blue Rock  

I Only Wanted to Change the World      A Very Convenient Truthiness

These are the first set of titles Let me know what you think.  I like the last one because it contains a whimsical quality.


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